Chunaram Hansda, a 60-year-old male from Panisole, Jhargram, was facing numerous challenges in his paddy cultivation. Despite his efforts, his crops were consistently damaged by elephants, leaving him with limited produce for personal consumption and very little to sell. This discouraging situation led to Chunaram abandoning farming for a prolonged period, leaving his field barren for five years. To compound matters, he lacked the necessary agricultural knowledge and education to improve his farming practices.

In 2019, the SG Foundation, with the generous funding support from NABARD, initiated the WADI project for the promotion of horticulture in Chunaram’s village. Recognizing his potential, the project provided him with critical hand-holding support and agricultural inputs such as seeds, fertilizers, and pesticides, all free of cost.

Moreover his wife is also member of SHG created under TDP for promotion of goatery as Income Generation Activity.

Economic condition before intervention

LandOne acre waste land
Irrigation facilityNo
Source of incomeLivestock rearing, Daily wage labour
Annual Income from Agriculture and allied activitiesINR 5000
Frequency of mealTwice
NutritionOnly carbohydrates
Standard of living-Lack basic clothing
-Lack sanitation facility
-Poor condition of home
-very low per capita income

Cropping Pattern

The resourceful farmer practices intercropping in a compact one-acre area, expertly Cashew trees with a variety of boundary forest plants. The farmer’s choice of intercrops is skillfully adapted to the changing seasons, the demands of the local market. Since the onset of the fiscal year 2021, the farmer has begun reaping the benefits of intercrops such as brinjal, oilseed and barbati, bottle gourd, Jingha . Additionally, the farmer occasionally cultivates a modest quantity of chilly and spinach, adding further diversity to intercropping.


His wife has been rearing goats, provided under IGA programme of TDP. Till now she has sold two goats and has earned additional income from it.

Financial Analysis

As we can see from the above graph he has been cultivating variety of intercrop along with goatery. And his total income has risen exponentially in last three years.

Future Plan

  • He is ready to take up more area next year.
  • He wants to rear pigs.
  • Have own pond to take up pisciculture.

Impact Analysis

Now a days, he is getting an average annual income of Rs. 65,000/- from intercrop along with regular income.

Asset createdHome Repaired
Frequency of mealFour times
NutritionDiversify food on plate due to intercropping. Access to minerals , vitamins from vegetables
AgricultureThe additional income is used to increase production of other crops.
Standard of living-Has good clothing
-Has proper sanitation facility
-increase in per capital income
Economic condition after intervention

The increase in income has had a positive effect not only on his personal finances but also on the overall improvement of his social standing. With deep satisfaction, he acknowledges that the financial assistance provided by ‘NABARD’ and the invaluable guidance from ‘SG Foundation’ have brought about a substantial transformation in his rural tribal way of life.


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