Five years ago, Chunaram Hembrem, from the village of Soro of Jhargram district in West Bengal, has struggled with various barriers to his social and economic prosperity. Limited by a mere one acre of unproductive land and a restricted income, he has faced difficulties in ensuring his family’s access to nutritious meals and education. Moreover, Chunaram lacked the expertise in effective farming methods.

Fortunately, after 2018 Chunaram received valuable support from the WADI project. This project, implemented by the SG Foundation in partnership with NABARD, has been instrumental in improving Chunaram’s situation. Through the WADI project, Chunaram received hands-on assistance and agricultural inputs such as seeds, fertilizers, and pesticides, all free of cost.


Economic condition before intervention

LandOne acre waste land
Irrigation facilityNo
Source of incomeAgriculture, Livestock rearing
Annual Income from Agriculture and allied activitiesINR 20000
Frequency of mealTwice
NutritionOnly carbohydrates
Quality of EducationUnable to send children to school on regular basis and provide textbook
Quality of healthcarePoor

Cropping Pattern

The farmer practices intercropping within a one-acre area, planting Cashew along with boundary forest plants. The choice of intercrop varies based on the seasons, local market demand, and INP/IPM regulations. The farmer started benefiting from intercrops like bitter guard , Tilmi(Oilseed) since the fiscal year 2021.Apart from these , he also cultivate brinjal occasionally in small amount.

Marketing Linkage

The produce from WADI are sold in local market and in Jhargram main market.

Financial Analysis

As we can see from the above graph his income from cashew and intercrop has been rising gradually. The total income has risen by 65% in the last three years.

Impact Analysis

Now a days, he is getting an average annual income of Rs. 70,000/- from intercrop along with regular income. He has created assets from the income generated through this project and also his children are taking benefits immensely.

Asset created-Home Repaired
-Hero Bike Purchased
-Has a small grocery shop
Frequency of mealFour times
NutritionDiversify food on plate due to intercropping. Access to minerals , vitamins from vegetables
AgricultureThe additional income is used to increase production of other crops.
Quality of EducationTwo children are regularly attending school and children have access to text book
Quality of HealthcareProvide quality healthcare to family with Improved nutrition level of food.
SanitationGood toilet for his family
Economic condition after intervention

The income impacted not only on his economy, but also in social upliftment. He has happily said that, financial support from ‘NABARD’ and handholding support from ‘SG Foundation’ has brought significant change in his rural tribal life style.

Future Plan

  • He is ready to take up more area next year.
  • He wants to rear pigs.
  • Wish to act as ‘Change Maker’ to change the life of down trodden tribal farmers.

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